Friday, January 20, 2006

Quasi Happiness

What is happiness- I read an interesting piece today about patience- I have realized that I have now gotten comfortable in my skin. I feel as if I have spent the last decades fighting against myself- trying to prove something when all along I had the answer. Dear reader I would tell you what that is but for each person it is different-(yea I know a little deep) I don't think I have ever been more at peace with myself and my desire to move forward with life- I realized that I was fighting myself and I wasn't getting anywhere- always jumping from job to job, women to women party to party and always searching.

I am amazed what a difference a month makes- granted the divorce is still going thru and it breaks my heart, but to be honest my wife and I get along better now then the last 4 yours we were married. It is a shame too little too late. Perhaps things will work if not she will make someone very happy as they will be getting a great woman. I have realized all the great little things she does - she bakes amazing, and is beautiful inside and out- I do wish she believed in herself as much as I believe in her. But that is a story for another time.
otherwise things are good- it is amazing how little drama there is now that I have come to my senses and I wonder where I would be in life if I had figured this out 20 years ago. Well dear reader I am sorry for the delay in posting and will try and maintain this blog better- till next time -
Chase This!