Sunday, November 13, 2005

The End is Near

The end is near or at least it feels that way- ever wonder when you wake up in a Sunday if the day will collaspe unto itself- and existence as we know it will cease to exist- I know a little to fuckin deep for a Sunday morning- I would be in a better mood but the paper didn't show up again- every Sunday it is the same thing I walk out the door and like some pavlovin dog looking to get rewarded I walk out with anticipation- and I am amazed when it shows up- let me see they deliver the extra sections on Saturday- so wouldn't I presume the rest of the paper to show up on Sunday.
Anyway- I another week of looking for a job- I was layed off (fired) on the 2nd of November and I know what your thinking big fucking deal- you have only been out of work for a week-but I am so bored- you know I could be one of those protestor's you see on TV and we all look and go "don't those people have jobs" obviously not- I think I may have found my true calling- professional protestor- how much do they pay, is there a union, association dues because I cant afford to pay em' shit looks like I am out of work again. Must be my attitude- I was told I was layed off because there was a misalignment of the company and my skills- the whole call lasted 30 seconds- "hello, yes how's everything good- I hate to do this (then why do it) but we are going to have to let you go- there seems to be a misalignment with expectations. (???) Ok someone explain this to me please- lets see you pay me 125k a year plus commission and I take a terriritory from scratch and give you deals and your firing me. Good I 'm glad we have gotten that out of the way- I thought it was just me being fucked in the head.
Ah yes dear reader as you can see it is just another day into the world for Chase- but fear not - you may be down but you are never out. See life as we know it has ceased to exist but that it probaly a good thing- you know every once in a while God needs to throw you a curve ball to keep you on your toes- he/she does it not piss you off but as they say (this going to be corny) everytime God close's a door he/she opens a window. And with that dear reader - Chase This!

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