Saturday, November 26, 2005

Saddle Up

Well it has been a few days since I have posted and sorry about that dear reader but life gets in the way sometimes- Picked up our xmas tree today funny when you realize that this will be the last xmas we have as a family it kind of takes the fun out the whole thing. I was wondering at what point does reality kick me in the ass and tell me to move on-I just don't get how it could have gotten this bad- oh yea wait a minute now I remember I was a jerk for the last five years- duh you think that had something to do with it- I was sitting with a friend of mine the day and commented this was the first time that I appeared to be humble- and you know it is true- when you realize that life as you know it will change no matter what it sort of brings life into perspective. For example we had our yearly thanksgiving at my friends gregs and we all had fun and then Greg got serious and asked me about the marriage and if their was anything I can do to save it- (but when you this far down the road the answer I was told was no) anyway I responded to him and said this time next year she will be fucking someone else- and I didn't mean it in a mean way but as a fact- she is too nice a person and too good looking to be single for longer than month after we split.

Last night we went to dinner and everything was fine till she mentioned she was going to a executive dinner and I asked why was the reasoning for her to go and I guess it came out wrong as she took it as a slight well then that escalated into a full blown yelling match in the car which sucked- as we tolerate another day of living under the same roof.
I am looking forward to xmas and new years- the only downside is her parents will be here ( I do like her folks but the relationship is too strained for it be tolerable) and her sister is coming into town- nothing like having 3 women hate you in your own house- I need to find a way to leave for a week and try not to lose my mind-oops too late it has been lost.
So next week my oldest son is in town as we are going to the warren miller ski movie- it is our once a year ritual- funny how we both try but I feel like we just aren't as close as I would like- I guess that is a cop out- perhaps if I made more of an effort.
life is good and I do have my health- so with that dear reader till next time, Chase This!

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